Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pay-dirt review of Gold Panning Paydirt! 1 lbs from "youllbehappyappyhappy"

 This is the second order I  purchased from Ebay seller "youllbehappyhappyhappy" I purchased 1 pound of dirt at 6.49, plus 7.99 shipping.  That's a total of 14.48.  I wasn't  very thrilled at spending so much for 1 pound of dirt, but I really wanted to try  this seller again.

I was actually happy happy happy!  The dirt was clean, not muddy and had lots of flakes in it!  in  one pound of dirt I panned out .1 gram of gold.  Not bad!   Sure it's only about 35 percent return on investment.  But  It made for a fun pan, flakes in almost every tablespoon!

As always thanks for  reading my blog, and happy panning!

Pay-dirt review of vanderwahlgoldprospecting's "GOLD PAYDIRT! PLACER GOLD ALASKAN 5+lbs!! Gold Guaranteed! Plus 1/2lb bag FREE"

 Vanderwhalgoldprospecting  sells dirt from Alaska.  I really wanted to try Alaskan dirt, and though   most dirt that comes from Alaska is really pricey, his was reasonable, considering! This was for 5 pounds plus  a half pound bonus,  which is a promotion he has going on right now.

 The first thing I encountered was when he said there might be a delay in shipping,  a family emergency.   I said no problem!   But you know what?  Even though there was a days delay, that stuff got here  so FAST!      If he hadn't said a thing I'd never have noticed!     

The dirt arrived with the bonus dirt, which in and of itself was  exciting, but he also send another little bonus   to make up for the delay, which wasn't really a delay form my point of view.   Alaska is along way from here,  but you'd not know that from how fast that dirt arrived!  

 The  dirt is a dark color, black-ish.  It arrived damp.  Not wet, damp.  I don't think it made a difference in weight. The only  thing I didn't like is that I'd tried to sift the damp dirt and  It clogged up the sifters   However if you classify ( sift)  it in water,   it does nicely!

 I   classified into three sizes,    and started   panning.  I was a fun pan.  The dirt was dark, pretty, and  the tiny gravel in it was nice to look at, and of course the  gold  was  exciting to find!   There was a flake in almost every  couple of teaspoons I put in the pan!  The gold was nice flakes and one of the pieces was rounder and made such a nice clink   when I   put it on the scale!

It looks nice in the  jar too!   Total weight of the gold was .7 grams.  If you are counting return on investment, that's  around 60 percent return.  Not bad really!   It was  a fun experience and no one  expects  a huge return, so when you get this much you're stoked!

I do recommend this seller because  he is conscientious, communicative, and  the dirt is pretty darn good!  Now will everyone do so well?  Some will do better some worse.  However, unless you're a real scrooge, you'll like this dirt! 

Kid Puke's "Lil Filth" Gold Paydirt concentrates second order review

This is the second time I've ordered from Kid Puke.  There is a third order sitting  here, waiting to be panned. That will be reviewed later.

If you have read past reviews, you will know that the first review I did was a good one.   That's because  there was  a high return on investment, it was a fun pan.  This time, I ordered   his 3+5 pounds of gold concentrates.  The cost was 7.00 plus 4.95 shipping, for a total of 11.95.

  I had classified it into 4 different sizes, and the larger two sizes produced nothing.  The third size produced the 2 little flakes, and the   fine sifted size has the   flour gold.   There is a good amount of black sand  that  the gold is mixed in.  

I have to say this is like  getting it from the ground yourself.  You never know what you're getting until you pan it out.   One  time might be great, the other time might not be so great.  This is a not so great time.  There were  two tiny flakes, and some   flour?  gold  in the mix.   Most of the  time though I was simply rinsing dirt!   

 I'm not saying this is a horrible thing.   Kid Puke doesn't seed his dirt, and if you find gold at all, he's kept his end  of the bargain.  I can't complain  about the amount.  It is what it is!    I hope the third order is a better one than this one though!

If you're wondering why I have three orders from him,  It's simple. I look at dirt on eBay, and I tend to look by price.   I'll bid on lots of stuff and not necessarily be  observant about how I'm  bidding on.     It  wasn't a conscious  decision to  bid on  or buy form Kid Puke again, but I wasn't upset that i had.  The first order of his dirt was pretty great!

 His  dirt is  a reddish, has little pebbles and what-not in it,  pans out pretty easy, and if you get the black sands with the flour gold, know it's going to be a challenge!   Also know, that you're  not always going to  be happy with the results.   It's like  prospecting for yourself.   Some days are better than others!

I finished it up, separated the black sand from the  really fine stuff and weighed it out.   It didn't weigh  .1 gram, and that's as low as my scale goes.   However it is pretty all the same!   It's really fine stuff,  and was a challenge to separate from the black sand. So I got some practice!

That's in a small bottle in an 8 inch pan, so   gold may appear  larger than it is!  If you see a number on the bottle, I had to write bottle weights on the bottles, because I have  one that is 8.5 grams and some that are 8.4.  Odd!  Anyway, it's a challenging pan most of that  is   fine grains of gold magnified by  phone camera.  That isn't my panning pan either, it's not yet seasoned enough.  I just use it because things show up better  in it!

So to summarize, if you're looking for   a huge return on investment, well, you best not buy  gold  dirt unless it's  seeded dirt so you will know what you're getting.   My last Kid  Puke order was   great for gold, this one was a challenge and not as much gold.      I'm guessing that is what  actual gold mining is  like!   

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Paydirt Review of 3 pounds of dirt from eBay seller " youllbehappyhappyhappy"

I purchased 3 pounds of dirt  from an eBay seller  who goes by the name  "youllbehappyhapyhappy".  The cost was 20.00 plus 7.99 shipping.  That's a total of  27.99.

The shipping was fast and the dirt arrived in a couple of days.   The packaging was standard, except this seller likes  putting the dirt in an elongated plastic bag.   It's a good  thing for them, because I notice the pictures of their  listings  stand out,  my eye is drawn to the different   shape of the bag.  They also write on the bags in  dry erase marker.

 This dirt comes from North Carolina.    I was excited, as I'd not panned  dirt from that state.  I  like   trying out dirt from varying areas and states.  I was happy to get it, and I got to work  right away on classifying it.   That's a fancy word for   straining it  into different sizes so it's easy to pan.  It was easy to classify too.  They had already classified it down to 1/2 inch.
 I got 3 different sizes.   I'm using kitchen strainers  I  purchased from thrift stores.  I just go by small. medium and large.   Large in this case was small pebbles and gravel. Medium was smaller gravel and  small was the fine sand and dirt. The dirt was dry, not much debris at all.

Panning was easy, and surprisingly clean.    The water didn't muddy up , it just  turned a sort of clear reddish  brown.    I liked that!  I could see what I was panning very well, and didn't have to change out water.  Of course I added the  dish soap, a couple of drops.  I panned with an 8 inch pan, in a small basin of water, 2 tablespoons at a time.   I panned twice.

 It was definitely pleasant, I found lots of little flakes of gold.  There is such a thrill when you  see that little yellow fleck!  I know people who pan a little, then walk away, and come back later on that day to pan some more.  I know people who  say they  pan in small increments over a few days time.  I can't do that.  I have to pan and pan until  I finish, it's that fun for me.

There is always that let-down  when the last of the dirt is gone,  the second panning is done, and   I know there isn't any more.  I take my reading glasses out and look at the pebbles and grains,  enjoying the hues and  looking for tiny garnets and things... They are usually  not much bigger than a grain of sand   so I don't tend to save them.   I did that with this dirt, and  then  rinsed the soap out of it,   and put it out  by the rock garden.

It was fun.  It was easy.  There was black sand, but  no gold in that.   I found some flakes.  They were pretty ones!

  I found  flakes, and I really thought that  it was quite a bit.   The weight was   .3 grams.  If you are keeping track, that's about 12.71 dollars worth.  That's around 45 percent return on investment.

  I wasn't happy happy happy! However I was happy!   Why?  Well there was gold!  For some reason it always looks bigger in the pan than it does on the scale, but   these folks didn't promise the mother-lode.   They promise fun, and they guarantee you will find gold.   I take that to mean they add a little so no one loses out.  So for the price you're guaranteed gold!   If you go out and  prospect for yourself, you are not guaranteed gold, and   you will often spend more money than you bring home.

   Happy happy happy for me would have been if I'd found a nugget  in the mix, or  a couple of  pickers to add to the weight.   But I was happy, maybe even happy happy!   I'd consider them again.

If you decide to buy from them,  I think they are  putting a gram of gold into  some lucky persons 3 lb bag.  Check their listings.

I have another  order from them  waiting for me to pan a 1 pound  order.  I will  do another review of youllbehappyhappyhappy  when I pan that  order.

Thank you for reading!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Paydirt review of 5- 1 Pound Bags of Gold Panning Pay Dirt from Pennasfire

Pennasfire is a seller I'd bought from before,  and used the  paydirt as gifts.  This time I bought strictly for myself.  The cost was 17.00 plus 5.35 shipping.  for a total of 22.35.

I must say I really had a good time with this paydirt.  It was clean, meaning  very little debris and not too muddy.   Now I know you might think that  could mean it's been run through before, but no.   It's just a gravel and fine gravel and some clean sand, with a tinge of red to it when you pan.

 It  sifted easily into the three different sizes I pan.  I had a ball.   Now the gold I found only weight .1 gram, but  I sure thought it would weigh more.  It seemed there was plenty of it dispersed int he  paydirt to make panning     fun and rewarding!

If you look at the picture you can see quite a few little pieces.   It made the experience fun!  Pennasfire  had very fast shipping and they added a personal note to the  paydirt, are very friendly and very appreciative of their customers.

If you are keeping track, The weight of the  gold  gave it a value of 4.45 or thereabouts.  that's not much of a return on investment. I must repeat again though, this isn't the kind of thing you can expect a return on investment for. you are buying  the experience. Now no one wants to feel like they have just bought someones  back yard dirt, with no gold in it.   Pennasfire is selling   the real deal I believe.

So if you have your head on right, and want some fun easy panning, this is the one for you!  If yo're looking for a bigger return on investment, buy some that has gold in it and is also salted. This is more of a realistic experience.  

I know the  paydirt I bought that I gave away, made the recipients happy, and i am happy with the  experience of this second  order. Pennasfire is also  a really nice communicator, and  they do aim to please.

Paydirt review of 20lbs PayDirt California-Gold, Yosemite Nat'l park,nugget,picker #2 from twoguysprospecting

Twoguysprospecting  are in Yosemite National park California.  I won  20 lbs of dirt at a  big of 24.99 plus 15.00 shipping. That adds up to a grand total of 39.99.The shipping was nice and fast,  no hassles at all. I do like that!  

The dirt  was very interesting.  It is a crumbled granite bedrock according to the description. It was small pieces, with  some dirt and sand too.   I did classify it, meaning I  used strainers to get the  three different sizes of dirt out.

There was a nice piece in the larger crumbles! I was excited.   The rest of the gold was in what I call the medium dirt, or the smaller crumbles.  There was no  gold in the sand or really fine dirt.

This was an interesting pan in that there were flakes and flakes of shiny gold! However it wasn't gold.  it's   simply what I call fake gold.  It gets our heart pumping to see that washing out of the pan so easily until you actually see a real gold flake.  Then you understand, that other flash in the pan wasn't real!

All in all it was a very easy pan.  20 pounds produced .3 grams of gold.
The pieces are nice!  

I did have fun, but there were times while panning that it was boring as heck.    20 pounds of dirt is lots to pan, and .3 grams isn't much considering.  So there were times I felt as if I'd never see another flake, but  then one would come along, and  that would bring a smile.   You might think it's a ripoff because the return on investment was 12.67 which didn't even cover shipping.    However, that is the gold business!    I believe these guys  are honest,  the return is simply what was in the  paydirt, no more no less.  You have the same odds and normally the same results if you go out  prospecting yourself.

 So, if you want  a high  return on investment guaranteed, this isn't the dirt for you.     Then again, if you want guarantees, no dirt is the dirt for you!                               

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Paydirt review of Felix Paydirt's Gourmet Gold sample

 I ordered the free sample of  Felix Paydirt's Gourmet Gold  on a whim.  It's not totally free, there is a 2.00 shipping charge.  It took a couple of weeks  for the sample to arrive. I'm pretty impatient so I was chomping at the bit when it finally got here!

 The packaging was simple, it was in a tiny Ziploc bag, and then mailed in an envelope.   Nothing  busted, it was all there.  I don't know the size or weight of the sample though.  It's just a small amount, a teaspoon or two.

It was a very easy pan of course,  and  yes there was gold in that there sample!

There were 4 little flakes of gold.  Not bad for a tiny sample!  The  right side of the picture is just reflection off the wet pan. The 4 little pieces were exciting to find!    They didn't have a weight, but considering the small size of the sample, I'd say it was a really good day!

There is is,  in a nutshell.   short review for  small sample.  I was pleased!  I don't know if their  regular paydirt has  such a nice ratio  or not,  I may review  a regular purchase one day.  I know other people have given them good reviews though.  All I can say is try the sample!  It's a nice fun short pan session for while you're watching TV or just wanting a relaxing fun break!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pay-dirt review of Kid Puke's "Lil Filth" 3lbs +/- Un-searched Gold Paydirt Concentrates, Ebay purchase

I bought some  pay-dirt from  Kid Puke  off Ebay. It's   approximately 3 pounds of pay-dirt. It's out of Arizona.   I spent a total of 10.00.   Kid Puke has free shipping.

Now, let me say, I'd not heard good reviews about Kid Puke.  I certainly was not  too warmed up by the name either!   However  the prices were good, and I need experience and I also need dirt to review!   So  his dirt fit the bill.  I took a chance.

Despite the holiday which meant no mail that day, the  pay-dirt arrived super fast and  yes packaged the standard way.   In Ziploc bag in shipping box.  No leaks no tears.

I of course sifted the pay-dirt into three sizes, and got down to panning.  As I suspected the large gravel contained no gold.    That is not unusual for  pay-dirt.

The medium gravel was proving to be a huge disappointment to me, when on the last  cupful,  a picker popped up!     I call it a picker.  It was   sizable enough that I could pick it up without  tweezers, and do so easily.

Things were looking up!  But then I got to the small fine sands, and uh oh, my nemesis.  Black sand !  This black sand had the gold in it.  However I'm a total noob ( newbie) at panning.    I knew it would take all of my non-existent skill at getting the gold out of the sand..

It took hours and hours, panning and re-panning, and using the new magnet I got to   get the magnetic black sand out of the way. It was definitely a total challenge!  I know for experienced panners, this is probably nothing, but for me?    That three pounds of dirt took me 3 days to pan!  I  made sure when I was done, there were no specks or flecks in the sand that I would be tossing out  in the garden.

I honestly didn't expect  much from the weigh in,  but was pleased to see .2 grams of gold. I'd put the picker on the scale  by itself but it didnt' register a weight, meaning it was under .1 grams.  So, most of the gold  was gold I wrestled from  the black sand.  I am quite proud of myself!

 Kid Puke  shipped fast,  and  communicated very well, and    his dirt was  on par with everyone else I've tried so far, and better than some.  He does not promise you'll hit the mother-lode.  No one does.   Some people are going to have bad experiences with the dirt, and others are going to have good experiences. It is what it is.

 I  thought the  experience was great.   At first I thought  I was going to get  zero gold, but the picker and those gold rich black sands  left me  with a  definite smile!  If you are counting  return on investment,  I believe it's an  84 percent return on investment, the best so far.

The fun factor was great for me.    It's  great for people who know how to get the gold out of black sand, and who love a challenge!   I got lots  of practice with that, and  the excitement of my first picker!  not a bad day!

Pay-dirt review of ebay seller outletdepot4u

I bid  on 5 pound of un-searched pay-dirt from outletdepot4u. I paid $16.75 plus $8.50 in shipping cost, for a total of $25.25.  The shipping was fast and the packaging was standard for this kind of thing; the dirt came in a Ziploc bag, inside a flat rate shipping box.    The box was well sealed, and the bag had no holes or leaks.   The buying experience was  smooth and there were no problems at all. I gave and received positive feedback  for the purchase.

The panning experience was exciting.   I was finding  in each   little cup of dirt I panned!   They were  shiny little flakes of gold.      I  had sifted the  dirt into three sizes, I call them small, medium and large.  The large produced nothing but the medium had all these flakes!  It was so easy,  put a little dirt in,  and boom!  A flake!    I had such fun!  But then.....

The  small, or fine dirt, had nothing.   There was black sand, but no gold in the black sand.  Everything was in the medium dirt, which made the   panning of the   small fine sand a bit of a letdown.    I never expect to find anything in the larger gravel, so that was okay,  and the medium dirt was just so fun!  But the sand, ah well.    I panned everything twice, to be sure.

Anyway, overall the buying experience was great!  The panning experience was fun and yes disappointing too, much like real prospecting is I 'd bet!  The  weight of the gold was  approximately .2 grams  I use the term approximately because my scale doesn't have  the hundredths  measurement capability. So I know it's .2 grams, but if it's  a hair more, I can't tell.

I'll bet you thought  there would be more weight!  So did I.  But the flakes are deceiving, they look big, but are flat.  If you are  going by return on investment, then I didn't even cover shipping cost I don't think.  But if you are going for fun,  It's fun.  The flakes in it are a real treat and would excite the dickens out of kids and newbies like me!

The challenge factor  was  low.  The gold I found was very easy to get.  It's an easy pan, and one I'd recommend for  total beginners like me.

There it is.  Outletdepot4u is  expedient, they have a fast turnaround, their dirt did have gold in it and it's a fun easy pan.  I think for kid's parties or for  people just starting out like me, it's perfect. It has some wow factor and no  wondering how to separate the black sand from the gold etc...  

as always, no one is going to get rich off  dirt they buy on ebay or online I don't think.   You're not generally going to get any return on investment. However if you are in it for the fun and experience,  then you will have a good time.

I took this picture   of one of the particularly  pretty    cups of dirt as I was finishing panning it.  Beautiful flakes!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pay-dirt review of 3 pounds of dirt from "masgoldprospecting" ( ebay purchase).

I  purchased  three  1 pound bags from masgoldprospecting off eBay.  The shipping was  nice and fast, and the packaging was   standard.   the individual pounds were  in Ziploc bags  sealed, and taped. they were in a small box, nice and snug.   The price was 11.00 with 5.15 shipping, for a total of 16.15.

Masgoldprospecting is out of Sun City AZ, and their dirt comes from the Bradshaw mountains.    It's standard dirt with  gravel bits and  sand, and a reddish tint to it.    I panned first in an unseasoned pan, ( a personal experiment) then twice in a seasoned pan.  I did  sift and separate the   dirt into  three different sizes which make panning much easier!

I added a drop of   dish washing liquid to the water, and I used a small tub of water and an 8 inch gold pan. I do this in my living-room , so I want things  small and easy to manage.

Anyway, they are pleasant to deal with, and their shipping is  nice and fast.  No fuss no muss! They do use a tracking number, which helps  so much!

It was easy panning and I found a few small pieces of gold.  I noticed that the black sand at the end didn't have gold in it.  I personally don't mind that at all, it's difficult to separate that gold from the black sand for a newbie like me!

Anyway  I do not have an accurate weight on the gold I found.  I will say it was less than .1 gram.  My scale doesn't do hundredths, so I can't be more accurate than that.  It simply didn't show a weight at all.

The experience was fun, but  if you are wanting big returns,  this isn't the way to get them.

 Masgoldprospecting does not promise you will get rich,  and they do not make any false claims at all that I can see.  They simply sell  the dirt as is, and  do so honestly.

The experience overall is great for   someone who is looking for entertainment with a little color at the end! :)